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21. The way we make, use and dispose of our clothes all has an environmental impact. The structure of this report reflects these stages in the My wildflower 5 seconds of summer 5sos shirt and I will buy this life cycle. Chapters Two and Three will look at the social and environmental impact of how we currently make clothes. The amount of clothes we throw away will be examined in chapter Four. New economic models that could help improve the sustainability of the fashion industry will be explored in chapter Five. Garment production is one of the world’s biggest and most labour-intensive manufacturing industries with estimates of those directly employed ranging from 25 to 60 million people.48 Since the 1980s many leading Western fashion retailers have been ‘chasing the cheap needle round the planet’49 and sourcing their clothes from countries with low labour costs and poor environmental governance. This shift in production has been facilitated by a 90% fall in shipping costs between the late 1950s and 2015, as shipping containers revolutionised trade in goods. Most of the garments sold in the UK are produced in Asian countries. In evidence, Dr Mark Sumner noted that this fashion model means that consumers in the UK ‘are getting pleasure and enjoyment from fashion and that is coming at a cost to workers and the environment in exterritorial, overseas production routes as well as agriculture.’
