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24. Fashion supply chains provide a source of jobs and GDP growth for people in poorer countries with the New york yankees moving on alcs postseason 2022 shirt and I love this garment industry providing a crucial source of foreign exchange (when payments and investment are made in the local currency). However, poor pay and conditions are standard in global garment supply chains according to evidence submitted by the global trade union IndustriALL. A 2016 report into Corporate Leadership on Modern Slavery found that of 71 leading retailers in the UK, 77% believed there was a likelihood of modern slavery occurring at some stage in their supply chains.56 The majority of global garment workers and artisans are women and girls, ‘the bulk of which make far less than a living wage, persistently face poor working conditions and live in poverty.’ Most work long hours up to six or seven days a week with reports of being burnt out and physically unable to continue beyond their 30s. We were told that women and girls face the brunt of the exploitation in the fashion industry, often at the bottom of the value chain working in the fields or factories. It is notable that the majority of fashion CEOs are men. All of the Chief Executives of the top ten UK fashion retailers (by market share) are men. Sarah Ditty, who was then policy director of Fashion Revolution, argued that the ‘fashion industry and all the problems that persist across the value chain is a huge feminist issue.
