Set apart deut 14 2 shirt
Pre-motherhood and pre-pandemic, I didn’t make a habit of talking to strangers. I’d barely ever seen my neighbors, let alone spoken to them. While a baby is an easy conversation starter, everybody’s guard is down post-pandemic—we all seem more friendly, more grateful for each other. Personally, I have lost a lot of cynicism—to the Set apart deut 14 2 shirt in other words I will buy this detriment of my sense of humor perhaps—but I’ve realized that life is too short for cynicism. It’s too short not to say good morning and to find common ground with a stranger in a line. It’s too short not to swap numbers, pay any mind to unwashed hair or petty grudges. As a mother, it’s definitely too short to waste time googling celebrity children in the snatched hour I have to work while my baby sleeps.
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